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ReStore Opportunities

Volunteers are the heart and backbone of the ReStore!
Time and time again, our community has demonstrated its generosity through countless hours of volunteering. Through this collective effort put forth by volunteers and Habitat, families have been able to move into their very own homes – Thank You Volunteers!
ReStore aims to seek passionate individuals and organizations to join us in our fight against substandard housing in Dodge, Olmsted, Steele, Wabasha and Waseca counties.
Signing up to volunteer is easy, and we are very flexible with scheduling!
Contact us today, and let us help you get started!
Help support our mission by providing valuable funding to our programs. It’s retail with a mission!
No experience is necessary. Our staff will teach you what you need to know. ReStore is also a great opportunity for community service volunteers. All are welcome to volunteer and training is provided.
ReStore is a retail store that stocks new and gently used home decorating and home improvement products at a deep discount.
Check out the ReStore's volunteer opportunities for ideas on how you can help! Contact us to find out more or for help registering!
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