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El Mercado proporciona alimentos a los clientes registrados que se enfrentan a la inseguridad alimentaria en el condado de Steele.
Help Us Fund Our Next Build
Do you believe everyone should have a safe and affordable place to live? Join our Legacy Builders who are making monthly donations to support the mission: a place where everyone has a decent place to live.
Two Rivers Habitat for Humanity works to provide safe, decent and affordable housing by working with homeowners and the community. We provide a hand up; not a hand out. You can help us to achieve this goal through your support.
Otras formas de donar

Legacy Donations are great if you have land or a trust and want to add Two Rivers Habitat for Humanity to your beneficiaries.

Checks can be mailed to:
1530 Greenview Dr SW,
Suite 107
Rochester, MN 55902
Construction or In-Kind Materials can be a welcome donation to our projects.
¿Has oído hablar de Thrivent Choice? Con el programa de Thrivent, puede hacer donaciones personales a causas que aprecia. ¡No hay tarifas de procesamiento! ¡Los clientes elegibles y aquellos que ya tienen membresías pueden opinar sobre cómo Thrivent distribuye algunos de sus fondos benéficos dirigiendo Choice Dollars! Para obtener más información sobre cómo Choice Dollars puede ayudar a Community Pathways, haga clic en el enlace de la izquierda.
tax information
Organizational Legal Name: Two Rivers Habitat for Humanity, an IRS 501(c)(3) nonprofit corporation organized under the laws of the State of Minnesota.
Federal Employer ID Number: 41-1664586
Two Rivers Habitat for Humanity is an IRS 501(c)(3) nonprofit corporation, and all gifts are deductible to the extent allowable by law. Please contact your tax professional for more information.
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